Saturday, June 10, 2006

First Day at Farmers Market & Recommended Poultry Sources

Full Quiver Farm at Local Farmers Markets

This year we will be selling our pastured poultry and fresh baked goods at two local farmers markets. They are located at Whitney Pioint, NY and in Vestal, NY. We really enjoyed our first foray into farmers markets last year in Whitney Point, developing good realtionships with customers and the other vendors.

Today, we start at the Vestal farmers market, which is a lot bigger and busier. There are other vendors competing with us who have already established a solid customer base for the same types of products. I admit to being a tad nervous. This is good though since it adds energy to our efforts.

Recommended Poultry Sources

Moyers Chicks: For best prices on broiler chicks. Excellent customer service.

Cackle Hatchery: Best prices on Turkeys, especially heritage breeds. Also, scores high for customer service.

Ideal Poultry Breeding Farms, Inc. I plan to order from them soon. They have an large variety of heritage chicken breeds available.

Robert Plamondon has some excellent information on poultry at his family's various sites.

More to come later.


Herrick Kimball said...


Selling at a farmer's market has its ups and downs. I wish you and your family a successful year!

Emily said...

Hi Gil....good to see you back online. I look forward to hearing how the farmer's market goes as we hope to venture into that realm in the future. Thank you for posting the links. We just received an order of keets from the Cackle Hatchery on Friday and are very pleased with them. God's blessings to you!

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