Saturday, December 16, 2006

But I Don't Want To Be This Protected

I am not quite sure when it started but I have noticed over time that our government has been changing gears from public servant to public protector. Over the course of my lifetime the government has tried to protect me from
  • air pollution
  • global warming
  • killer bees
  • work hazards
  • swine flu
  • communism
  • mad cow disease
  • poverty
  • hunger
  • lack of health insurance
  • weather conditions large and small, (On the radio we now get winter weather alerts from the National Weather Service - why do I need to be warned about snow in December?)
  • sexual predators
  • deteriorating ozone layer
  • avian flu
  • bacteria in restaurant veggies
  • terrorists here and abroad
  • potential animal pandemics
  • and you could probably add a lot more to this list...
Now some of these may be legitimate concerns but I am bothered by the government's increasing role as protector since each time it takes up a new "danger" there is a proportionate loss to the freedoms of it's citizens. Even if I wanted this much protection I differ from my elected representatives on the scale in which the government is to be involved. I would use a pea-shooter, they would use a bazooka.

Besides, I never asked to be protected. I am willing to take personal responsibility for my choices and actions, even if there is some risk involved. I grow my own vegetables and raise most of my own meat. I am self-employed and will take care of my own family's welfare. Thank you very much.

I do realize that some government intervention can be helpful at times for people in genuine need. I am concerned at the large number of people who have become totally dependent upon government entitlements. I think that it makes us weaker as a nation and as a people.

I will also admit to some suspicion of our elected officials since they never return the power that was taken to address each danger or emergency. It is especially troubling that they are the ones who always spot the dangers first. Maybe I'm paranoid, but it just seems to be very convenient for them.


Anonymous said...

Hey Gil! It's nice to see a fellow farmer online. I hope you enjoy the life, I know firsthand how challenging it can be, although we don't do organics (for philosophical reasons.)

I worry about the excessive involvement that government has in our lives as well. It seems that our country is getting soft and spoiled, thinking that government will protect them from all harm. I'd rather make my choices and pay the price for them any day.

Gil Bernier said...


Thanks for your comment! I do enjoy living a more agrarian life, especially since I can have more time with my family.

I know what you mean about organics, especially since the government usurped the definition and certifications. We market our products locally, emphasizing the humane methods and health benefits of pasture-raised meats.

It seems that we both feel that the government that governs best, governs least.